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Persuasive Commercials Reading Comprehension Worksheets

About this Worksheet: This reading comprehension worksheet directs the student to answer comprehension questions about the persuasive commercial. The student should first view a commercial deemed as persuasive. The student then should analyze the commercial by answering the questions on the persuasive commercials worksheet. The first questiona asks, who is the audience of the commercial. The second asks, what visual images or sounds are used in the commerical? The next question ask what is the commercial trying to persuade you to buy or think? The last question asks what did you like about the commercial?

This worksheet is suitable for 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade.

Persuasive Commercials
Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Persuasive Commercials Reading Comprehension Worksheets

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