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Essay Writing Worksheets

What is essay writing?

Essay writing is a scholarly piece of writing giving the author's own argument. Essays methodically analyze and evaluate a topic or issue. They are designed to give one's academic opinion on subject matter. The author is able to give their own argument through their writing. Writing academically means creating a coherent set of ideas into an argument. Most students use essay writing templates in the early grade levels to structure their writing. A thesis statement is often a part of good essays that center around its statement or argument. Students often are challenged to write multi-paragraph essays that deal with complex topics or issues. Our essay writing worksheets below give good practice with different types of essay writing. The given essay writing worksheets give good practice for school or for home.

Our Essay Writing Worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Learn more about essay writing by practicing with our free Essay Writing Worksheets below. Click here for a description of all Essay Writing Worksheets.

Essay Writing Worksheets

Here is a graphic preview for all the 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade Essay Writing Worksheets.
Click on the image to display our Essay Writing Worksheets.

Writing Process for Essay
Writing Worksheets
Writing Process for Essay Writing Worksheets

Four Paragraph Essay
Writing Worksheets
Four Paragraph Essay Writing Worksheets

Four Paragraph Essay
No Lines Writing Worksheets
Four Paragraph Essay No Lines Writing Worksheets

Five Paragraph Essay
Writing Worksheets
Five Paragraph Essay Writing Worksheets

Five Paragraph Essay
No Lines Writing Worksheets
Five Paragraph Essay No Lines Writing Worksheets

Essay Writing Worksheets
Argumentative Essay Writing Worksheets

Essay Writing Worksheets
Narrative Essay Writing Worksheets

Tree Map
Essay Writing Worksheets
Tree Map Essay Writing Worksheets

Essay Paragraph Writing
Essay Paragraph Writing Worksheets

Writing Process for Essay Writing Worksheets

This writing process worksheet gives a clear step by step breakdown of the writing process. Often, students struggle with writing good essays because they refuse to use the writing process. Students often wish to write their essay before conducting any pre-writing work.

Four Paragraph Essay Writing Worksheets

This writing process worksheet assists the student in writing a four paragraph essay using the given writing template. Often, students struggle with essay structure. They get confused when writing and essay. They don't understand when to start and end a paragraph.

Four Paragraph Essay No Lines Writing Worksheets

This writing process worksheet assists the student in writing a four paragraph essay using the given writing template. Very often, students have difficulty with essay structure. They get confused when writing and essay. They don't understand when to start and end a paragraph.

Five Paragraph Essay Writing Worksheets

This writing process worksheet helps the student write a five paragraph essay. The five paragraph essay is one of the most common forms of essays in the English language. The five paragraph essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

Five Paragraph Essay No Lines Writing Worksheets

This writing process worksheet helps the student in writing a five paragraph essay using the given writing template. Very often, students have difficulty with essay structure. They get confused when writing and essay. They don't understand when to start and end a paragraph.

Argumentative Essay Writing Worksheets

This argumentative essay writing worksheet directs the student to write a four paragraph essay that looks at both sides of an argument. The outline provides an introducation, two body paragraphs, and conclusion. The first body paragraph has the student give his or her stand on the argumentative writing prompt.

Narrative Essay Writing Worksheets

This narrative essay writing worksheet provides an opportunity for a student to write a story. Within every narrative, there must be a beginning, middle and end. This narrative writing template provides basic rules and guidelines for writing a narrative essay. This narrative outline requires the student to include a plot, setting, theme, dialogue, conflict, and cause and effect.

Tree Map Essay Writing Worksheets

This tree map essay writing worksheet directs the student to fill in each part of the tree map to outline their five paragraph essay. The tree map functions as a type of graphic organizer where the student will visually see where the five paragraphs of an essay should be.

Essay Paragraph Writing Worksheets

This essay writing worksheet guides the student in writing with correct essay format. Often, students are confused as to how to structure their essay. This essay paragraph writing template gives a guide for each sentence of an essay. Every sentence of an essay is important, so this essay template serves as guide for students to follow when writing their essay.

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