English Worksheets

Grammar Worksheets

Word Usage Worksheets

Word usage is how a word, phrase or concept is used in language. There are different patterns and ways to use words in the English language. Choosing the right words at times is a challening task. Word usage is the writer's choice of words and the manner in which he or she uses those words in a given piece of writing. Our word usage worksheets include; commonly confused words, negatives, pronoun agreement, subject verb agreement, using modifiers and words choice. Our word usage worksheets may be used for a variety of grade levels.

These Word Usage worksheets are free to download by clicking the image or link.

Use these Word Usage worksheets at school or at home.

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Commonly Confused Words
Commonly Confused Words Worksheets

Negatives Worksheets

Pronoun Agreement
Pronoun Agreement Worksheets

Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets

Using Modifiers
Using Modifiers Worksheets

Word Choice
Word Choice Worksheets

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