English Worksheets

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Graphic Organizers Worksheets

My Thoughts Graphic Organizers Worksheets

About this Worksheet: This graphic organizers worksheet directs the student to write what they think about a given topic and provide text evidence to support it. The first box has the student write their own thoughts on a give topic. After writing their thoughts, they must find text evidence that supports it. The next step is to share those ideas with a fellow classmate or partner. After the sharing ideas, the student must write in the last box on how their thoughts have developed, changed, or been added to based on the conversation with their peer. This is a fun graphic organizers worksheet that gives students practice with recording thoughts with text evidence and sharing and developing their responses.

This worksheet is suitable for 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, and 9th grade.

My Thoughts
Graphic Organizers Worksheets

My Thoughts Graphic Organizers Worksheets

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