English Worksheets

Main Ideas Worksheets

Main Ideas Worksheets Practice

This is the main ideas worksheets section. The main idea of a paragraph is the author's message about the given topic. The main idea can be expressed directly or it may be implied through surrounding details. Often, when reading a student can improve their comprehension by identifying the main idea of a text. Typically, after three paragraphs, a student may be asked the main idea of the given section. A main idea can be expressed in one or two sentences. Supporting details can be given to support or explain the main idea. The main idea is the primary point or concept the author wishes to convey to the reader. It is the central, and most important idea in the paragraph and at times is found at the beginning of the paragraph within the topic sentence, or first sentence of the paragraph. Our main ideas worksheets may be used for a variety of learning levels.

Our Main Ideas Worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Use these main ideas worksheets at school or at home.

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Main Idea Details
Main Idea Details Worksheets

Main Idea Summary
Main Idea Summary Worksheets

Main Idea Text
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